Experience Wolff Seminars
Providing seminars in functional neuro-muscular examinations and its clinical relevance for chiropractors, physiotherapists and other musculoskeletal practitioners
We’re excited to remind you that our highly anticipated 8-week online certification program on anatomy and neuromuscular function tests (NMFTs) is starting soon. This is your opportunity to transform your clinical practice with advanced skills and cutting-edge knowledge!
During the seminars you will learn to use an examination method that involves Neuro-Muscular-Function-Tests (NMFT).
Functional muscle tests that will determine if a muscle is weak or has normal strength.
By identifying a muscle weakness, LACK OF FUNCTION (STRENGTH), you are able to specifically find the reason for why your patient is compensating and thereby developing aches and pains (DIAGNOSIS). No more guessing why some of your patients keep getting recurrent low back pain, recurrent shoulder neck pains or even suffering from heel spurs.
BY UNDERSTANDING THE UNDERLYING COMPENSATORY MECHANISMS your are able to make the treatment very accurate and successful.
- allows your patient to see and feel the immediate effect from pre to post testing, which will hugely increase patient compliance. (HUGE WOW FACTOR!). They are able to see that a problem exist, during testing, without you having to tell them.
- you will be able to set a goal for the treatment program that the patient can identify with.
- you will be able to identify risk factors and potentially prevent injuries, by restoring proper neuro-muscular function.
Why you should join:
1. Elevate Your Professional Credibility
Long-term investment: Gain enhanced professional credibility and potentially higher returns through improved patient outcomes.
Expert instruction: Learn from top experts, gaining access to high-quality education that isn't available in standard materials.
2. Master Critical Clinical Skills
Interactive learning: Engage in live sessions where you can ask questions and receive real-time feedback.
Proficiency in techniques: Become a master in manual muscle testing and other critical skills.
3. Enhance Your Knowledge Base
Comprehensive understanding: Improve your grasp on advanced topics, enhancing your clinical competence.
Professional growth: Foster a continual professional development environment.
4. Leverage Scientific Evidence
Insightful assessment: Understand the underlying neurological pathways and control mechanisms.
Research opportunities: Contribute to and expand your knowledge within the scientific community.
5. Discover New and Effective Methods
Innovative approach: Embrace new, logical approaches to diagnosis and treatment.
Modern methods: Adopt evidence-based practices that surpass traditional techniques.
6. Structured Learning for Better Retention
Manageable units: The curriculum is broken down into easy-to-digest sections, ensuring clarity.
Structured pathways: Follow guided learning paths that facilitate better retention and application.
7. Lead in Musculoskeletal Care
Forefront of care: Position yourself as a leader in adopting innovative treatments.
Enhanced understanding: Gain deeper insights into the mechanisms behind muscle and joint issues.
Don't let this opportunity pass you by! This program is designed to provide you with the knowledge and skills needed to significantly improve your clinical practice and patient outcomes.
Turning Evidence into Practice
Relevance to clinical practice
gives you a much better understanding, why your patients suffer from:
Recurrent/chronic Headaches
Stubborn neck shoulder pains
Whiplash injuries not getting better
Impinchment Syndrome
Tennis or Golfer's elbow
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Recurrent Low Back Pain
Runner's knee
Chin splints
Ankle pains
Heel Spurs
If you can not attend a specific module, they will be repeated throughout the year.
Din guide til uddannelsens indhold:
Neuro Muskulœre Funktions Test (NMFT) bruger FUNCTIONAL MUSCLE TESTING for at undersøge, at det neurologiske sammenspil mellem afferent input fra mekanoreceptorene omkring et specifik led og den testede muskel styrke, er optimal.
Når et led i kroppen bliver udsat for en overbelastning, kan dette forårsage en nedsat muskel kraft. Dette sker ved en aktivering af en mekanreceptor som efterfølgende reducere muskel styrken.
Ved at forstå de underliggende kompenserende mekanismer, er du i stand til at gøre behandlingen meget præcis og succesfuld. Behandlingen gør det muligt for din patient at se og føle den umiddelbare effekt fra prœ til post-test, hvilket vil øge patientens overholdelse af behandlings forløbet. De er I stand til at se, at der er et problem under testen, uden at du behøver at fortælle dem det.
Du vil vœre i stand til at sœtte et mål for behandlingsprogrammet, som patienten kan identificere sig med og identificere risikofaktorer og potentielt forebygge skader ved at genoprette korrect neuro-muskulœr FUNKTION.
Ved at kunne forstå MUSCLE WEAKNESS, er det vigtigt at undersøge og forstå musklens evne til at modstå en ekstern påført belastning. Vi fokuserer specielt på kvaliteten og kraften i muskel kontraktionen.
En svœkket muskel vil minimere FUNKTIONEN omkring det påvirkede område, som er involveret, og dermed yderliger overanstrenge de omkringliggende muskler, sener og led på grund kompensation.
Håndtering og behandling af mere komplekse problemer effektivt, såsom kroniske piskesmœldsrelaterede skader, kronisk svimmelhed og hovedpine. Hvorfor symptomer og problemer fortsœtter med at gentage sig, selv efter års behandling og rehabilitering.
Du vil få mulighed for at skanne en hel patient i mindre en 2 minutter. Det betyder at alle dine patienter kan få gavn af optimal neuro-muskulœr FUNKTION.
NMFT er et vidunderligt redskab til at undersøge mange menesker på en kort tidsrum i eksempelvis en sport, fodbold club eller ligende.
Contact Wolff Seminars
Møllebakken 1
6400 Soenderborg
Phone: 00-45-81-19-62-92
e-mail: info@wolffseminars.com